Saturday, December 25, 2004

New Appointees to the Bush Cabinet

Found the following at Unconfirmed Sources. Here you go:
George W. Bush Appoints the 12 Apostles to His New Cabinet!

Unconfirmed sources report that President Bush has changed his mind and replaced his entire cabinet. The Apostles will replace the entire cabinet; even the newly appointed members of the cabinet Condi Rice and Alberto Gonzales are being given the boot. The appointments are being seen as a move to reward the Christian Right for helping Mr. Bush retain the Presidency.

"Talk about fire power! Mr. Bush has decided to go for broke during his second term and this is the team to do it with." Remarked Washington insider Andrew Sullivan. "With the budget a mess and the military overstretched I figured the Bush administration would be a spent force by this time, but Bush seems to pulling a rabbit out his hat on this one. He has already laid out an aggressive addenda and he is going to need a team like this to pull it off."

Read the rest here: Unconfirmed Sources

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