Saturday, December 11, 2004

Been waiting for this...

I knew it wouldn't be long before we saw a news item such as this: Massachusetts Gays Divorcing. Why is this even an issue? You sure as hell don't see newspaper articles about heterosexual marriages that end in divorce after a short period of time. So, again, I ask, why is this an issue? Wait a second, here's why it's an issue:
Opponents of gay marriage said the divorces, occurring so soon after the weddings, confirm that gay couples are not equipped for marriage. (my emphasis)

"We're not surprised," said Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, which is fighting for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. "Particularly among male homosexuals, the promiscuity is just phenomenal."
I guess Ms. Mineau seems to think that heterosexual males aren't as promiscuous as their homosexual counterparts. I call bullshit. I don't think there is a difference other than their sexual preference. Gay marriages are subject to the same kinds of stresses as Straight marriages. They will also break up for almost exactly the same reasons: infidelity, irreconcilable differences, abuse (although typically at a lower percentage than straight marriages), etc.

Responding to Ms. Mineau's remarks:
With the national divorce rate hovering near 50 percent, gay rights advocates dismissed such arguments.

"That's a cheap shot," said gay rights attorney Mary Bonauto, who represented seven gay couples in the landmark Massachusetts lawsuit.

Did you see that? National Divorce Rate at 50%. That means that heterosexuals are divorcing at a pretty damn high rate too. Why is there not a huge outcry over that? Christians and others that place a high value on the "sanctity of marriage" have neglected the divorce rate among traditional male-female marriages for years. Only when open-minded people try to provide some equality for those that are different than they are, does this become an issue.

How about this for an alternative? (I've already addressed this on several blogs.) Sponsor a bill that would change the LEGAL definition of marriage to read something to the effect of "legally binding relationship between two persons" or sponsor a bill that would eliminate the term "marriage" from the legal record books. Make it a "civil union" for ALL relationships; leave the actual "marriage ceremony" for your pastors, priests, preachers, etc. To me, that would bring about TRUE equality without stepping on anyone's religious values.

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