Sunday, December 05, 2004

Bush lies - People die! Grab your attention did I?

In less than 2 weeks, my brother will be shipped over to that Hell-hole known as Iraq. This has me in a very grim mood. It also has me very confused personally.

You see, I'm a Marine (you know, Once a Marine, Always a Marine) and I recognize the fact that he will need to do his job to the best of his abilities, whether or not he wants to be there. As they say in the Corps: U.S.M.C.=U Signed My Contract. So he has to go (even though he's not in the Marines). I used to be all gung-ho about the military until our esteemed President found it necessary to ship our troops off to the desert to topple a government based on inaccurate information. Don't get me wrong, I still highly recommend our young people join the military if for no other reason than to get some discipline, possibly find a career, and at the very least, get to know themselves. But I am very worried that my brother, being in Motor Transport, will fall victim to a roadside bomb or even snipers. I am so filled with anger, vitriol, whatever you want to call it, towards our President right now that I can hardly see straight. You see, Bush is no longer just taking those nameless strangers* and throwing them into battle, He's taking my brother. That makes this personal. BIG TIME!

*Let's get real here - Every Marine, sailor, airmen, and soldier that has died in this "war" is significant but it really doesn't affect you until it's family.

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